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He defended his PhD in 2010 (Cum Laude unanimously). He got the Lecturer (Contratado doctor) position in 2011 and Associate Professor (Titular) in 2018. He has 2 national six-year research period and 1 transfer period (sexenios), 6 lecturer trienniums (2003-2021) and 3 quinquennia (2003-2018). He belongs to the research group TIC134 (Sistemas Informáticos). From 2003 he has been involved in research tasks and technology transfer. His research focuses on human activity, mobility and behaviour recognition and prediction using machine and deep learning techniques, gathering data with wearable sensors and/or cameras. He is author of more than 50 publications in international journals and congress, 2 patents and 2 registered software applications. In 2012 and 2013 he was chosen as Chair of Technical Committee of the international contest EvAAL for the track “Activity Recognition for AAL”, being this contest part of the European project FP7 UniversAAL (Project ID: 247950) where teams from leading Universities from the USA, EU and Japan took part in. He also was chosen as an expert on the technical committee of the competition Pedestrian Dead-Reckoning Challenge part of Ubicomp in 2015. He has participated in more than 20 public or privately funded R&D projects, being the director of 13 of them and he has also been a reviewer of several impact factor journals and international conferences.

From 2015 to 2022 he was software and product design mentor at Andalucía Open Future, a Spanish start-up accelerator established by Telefónica and Andalucía regional government. From 2013 to 2017 he was the main researcher and coordinator of HERMES (Healthy and Efficient Routes in Massive Open-Data Based Smart Cities-Citizen) a national R&D project where teams from 4 Spanish Universities (Vigo, Coruña, Carlos III and Seville) participate. Some tasks in HERMES project triggered off a new research area in the TIC134 group concerning Deep Learning applied to traffic sign recognition and classification. From 2018 to 2021, he leaded VICTORY (Vision and Crowdsensing Technology for an Optimal Response in Physical-Security) a national R&D project where violent attacks in a building are recognized using machine and deep learning from CCTV images and accelerometers sensors from smartphones workers. He also leaded a regional project TAL.IA, where deep learning techniques are being used to translate Sign Language to text, helping deaf people to communicate with hearing ones and a national project (proof of concept projects), DISARM focused to transfer the technology generated in VICTORY to adapt it to the industry and HORUS focused on analyze video from personal cameras. He is also transferring the results about violence detection to a Israel startup focused on kindergartens and to a EEUU startup
So far, the supervising and mentoring experience of Dr Álvarez García concerns 100 undergraduate students, 13 master’s degree students. He directed 2 PhD (2018 and 2019) and currently, he is supervising 3 PhD students. He has taught Spanish and English classes in several degrees (Computer Engineering, Technical Computer Engineering, Health Informatics) and Masters (Software Engineering and Technology), being the coordinator of several subjects related to algorithms and software technology. He also directed several courses focused on work-related technologies (Oracle, iOS and Android). He has carried out several research stays (Polytechnic University of Catalonia 2007 1 month, German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence 2011 3 months, Pisa University 2015 2 months and Slovenian Jozef Stefan Institute 2017 3 months).

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Luismi Soria has a strong research line focused on the application of various intelligent techniques in the field of mobility and contextual systems. This is supported by 15 publications in JCR-indexed journals (ten of them in the first tercile in their respective categories), where he is the first author in three and the second author in the others. The common thread in all of them has been their direct application to industrial fabric. This is evidenced by 2 patents and software registration generated from these works, in addition to a pending patent. He also has 7 publications classified as book chapters with various indicators of quality, conference proceedings editing, and more than 20 contributions to international and national congresses where he has acted as a speaker. It is worth noting his participation in over 20 program committees of conferences, as an editor of scientific journals, and as a reviewer for 4 high-impact factor journals. Furthermore, he is an honorary member of the renowned and prestigious IEEE society, which highlights his commitment to research and knowledge transfer.

Regarding internationalization, it is noteworthy that he has established relationships with research groups in Germany, the Netherlands, and France, resulting in some of these publications. Notable collaborations include those with the DFKI (German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence), considered one of the most prestigious research centers in Germany and Europe, as well as with the universities of Reutlingen and Konstanz. Equally important is his collaboration with research groups at the Carlos III University and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. As a result of these collaborations and stays, he maintains a close relationship with these research groups, as evidenced by joint publications with Natividad Martínez (Hochschule Reutlingen), Ralf Seepold (Hochschule Konstanz. HTWG), or Alexander Kröner (DFKI), with whom he has also collaborated on a coordinated project (InCare) funded by the National Plan. He has actively participated in a total of 13 European, National, and Regional research projects, most of them related to ubiquitous computing and mobile devices, as well as support for the consolidation of research groups. Finally, he has taught a total of 265 teaching credits, totaling 2500 face-to-face hours, in a total of 8 subjects across 7 Engineering degrees, Technical Engineering degrees, and Bachelor’s degrees. In addition, he has taught courses in the Health Engineering degree, part of the Andalucía Tech Excellence Campus. He has supervised over 50 final year projects, master’s theses, and bachelor’s theses. Currently, he is supervising two doctoral theses in the field of mobility and ubiquitous systems. Furthermore, he collaborates with three doctoral students from two German universities in the development of their theses.

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